The perfect baby name, history behind names, the random name generator, and much more in the Internet Names Database. INDb contains a whole catalog of names and surnames, with descriptions, history and curiosities about every name.
LACHAPELLE : Means "the chapel" in French. It was most likely used to denote a person who lived by a church or a chapel.
LACY : Derived from Lassy, the name of a town in Normandy. The name of the town was Gaulish in origin, perhaps deriving from a personal name which was Latini...
LAGANÀ : Derived from Greek dialects that are spoken in southern Italy, namely in Calabria. It is an occupational surname meaning "greengrocer" (ortolano in It...
LAGOMARSÌNO : Locative surname of Genoa and surroundings derived from the place name Lagomarsino (near Genoa).
LAGORIO : From a nickname meaning "green-lizard". This little reptile is respected because it supposedly protects against vipers. The surname is typical of the ...
LAGUARDIA : Originally an occupational surname meaning "sentry" or "sentinel". It also had a locative meaning "watchtower". Fiorello Laguardia (1882-1947) was the...
LAGUNOV : Patronymic name derived from Russian lagun "water barrel". It was most likely used to denote the descendants of a person who made water barrels.