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Feminine and Masculine names.

The perfect baby name, history behind names, the random name generator, and much more in the Internet Names Database. INDb contains a whole catalog of names and surnames, with descriptions, history and curiosities about every name.

FANTINE f : This name was used by Victor Hugo for the mother of Cosette in his novel 'Les Misérables' (1862). The name was given to her by a passerby who found t...

FAOLÁN m : Means "little wolf", derived from Gaelic fáel "wolf" combined with a diminutive suffix. This was the name of an Irish saint who did missionary work i...

FARAG m : Variant transcription of FARAJ.

FARAH f/m : Means "joy" in Arabic.

FARAI f/m : Means "rejoice" in Shona.

FARAJ m : Means "remedy" or "improvement" in Arabic.

FARAJI m : Means "consolation" in Swahili.


FARAMUND m : Derived from the Germanic elements fara "journey" and mund "protection". This was the name of a semi-legendary 5th-century king of the Franks.

FAREED m : Variant transcription of FARID.

FAREEHA f : Variant transcription of FARIHA.

FARID m : Means "unique, precious", derived from Arabic فرد (farada) "to be unique". This was the name of a 13th-century Persian poet.

FARIDA f : Feminine form of FARID.

FARIDOON m : Variant transcription of FEREYDOUN.

FARIHA f : Means "happy" in Arabic.

FARIS m : Means "knight" in Arabic.

FARLEY m : From a surname which was originally from a place name meaning "fern clearing" in Old English. A notable bearer of this name is Canadian author Farley ...

FARON m : From a French surname which was derived from the Germanic given name Faro.

FAROOQ m : Variant transcription of FARUQ.

FAROUK m : Variant transcription of FARUQ.

FARQUHAR m : Anglicized form of FEARCHAR.

FARRAH f : Variant transcription of FARAH.

FARRAN m : From an English surname which was derived from Old French ferrant meaning "iron grey".

FARRELL m : From an Irish surname, an Anglicized form of Ó Fearghail meaning "descendant of FEARGHAL#".

FARROKH m : Persian form of FARUQ.

FARRUKH m : Urdu, Uzbek and Tajik form of FARUQ.

FARUK m : Turkish form of FARUQ, as well as a variant transcription of the Arabic name.

FARUQ m : Means "person who can tell right from wrong" in Arabic. This was the name of the last king of Egypt (1920-1965).

FATEMAH f : Persian form of FATIMAH.

FATHI m : Means "conqueror" in Arabic.

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