The perfect baby name, history behind names, the random name generator, and much more in the Internet Names Database. INDb contains a whole catalog of names and surnames, with descriptions, history and curiosities about every name.
FAITH f : Simply from the English word faith, ultimately from Latin fidere "to trust". This was one of the virtue names adopted by the Puritans in the 17th cent...
FALLON f : From an Irish surname which was derived from Ó Fallamhain meaning "descendant of Fallamhan". The given name Fallamhan meant "leader". It was populari...
FANCY f : From the English word fancy which means either "like, love, inclination" or "ornamental". It is derived from Middle English fantasie, which comes (via...
FANNY f : Diminutive of FRANCES. In the English-speaking world this has been a vulgar slang word since the late 19th century, and the name has subsequently drop...