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RAGNAR m : Scandinavian cognate of RAYNER.

RAGNARR m : Old Norse cognate of RAGANHAR.

RAGNBJÖRG f : Old Norse name derived from the elements regin "advice, counsel" and björg "help, save, rescue".

RAGNFRÍÐR f : Old Norse form of RANDI (2).

RAGNHEIÐR f : Old Norse name meaning "bright advice", derived from the elements regin "advice, counsel" and heiðr "brightness".

RAGNHEIÐUR f : Icelandic form of RAGNHEIÐR.

RAGNHILD f : From the Old Norse name Ragnhildr, composed of the elements regin "advice, counsel" and hildr "battle".

RAGNHILDR f : Old Norse form of RAGNHILD.

RAGNHILDUR f : Icelandic form of RAGNHILD.

RAGNVALD m : Modern Scandinavian form of RAGNVALDR.

RAGNVALDR m : Old Norse name composed of the elements regin "advice, counsel" and valdr "power, ruler" (making it a cognate of REYNOLD).

RAGUEL m : Means "friend of God" in Hebrew. The Book of Enoch names him as one of the seven archangels.

RAHAB f : Means "spacious" in Hebrew. This was the name of a prostitute of Jericho who aided the Israelites in the Old Testament.

RAHARJO m : Means "plentiful, abundant" in Javanese.

RAHAT f/m : Means "rest, comfort" in Arabic.

RAHEEM m : Variant transcription of RAHIM.

RAHEL f : Biblical Latin form of RACHEL.

RAHELA f : Romanian and Serbian form of RACHEL.

RAHIM m : Means "kind, compassionate" in Arabic. In Islamic tradition الرحيم (al-Rahim) is one of the 99 names of Allah.

RAHMAN m : Means "merciful" in Arabic. In Islamic tradition الرحمان (al-Rahman) is one of the 99 names of Allah.

RAHMİ m : Means "merciful" in Turkish, ultimatey from Arabic.

RAHUL m : Means "able, efficient" in Sanskrit. This was the name of a son of Gautama Buddha.

RAIBEART m : Scottish form of ROBERT.

RAIDEN m : Variant transcription of RAIJIN. This is the usual spelling of the god's name in English.

RAIJIN m : From Japanese 雷 (rai) meaning "thunder" and 神 (jin) meaning "god, spirit". This is the name of the god of thunder and storms in the mythology of J...

RAIMO m : Finnish form of RAYMOND.

RAIMONDA f : Italian feminine form of RAYMOND.

RAIMONDAS m : Lithuanian form of RAYMOND.

RAIMONDO m : Italian form of RAYMOND.

RAIMONDS m : Latvian form of RAYMOND.

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