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PALLE m : Danish diminutive of PAUL.

PALLU m : Means "distinguished" in Hebrew. This was the name of a son of Reuben in the Old Testament.

PALMER m : From an English surname meaning "pilgrim". It is ultimately from Latin palma "palm tree", since pilgrims to the Holy Land often brought back palm fron...

PALMIRA f : Feminine form of PALMIRO.

PALMIRO m : Means "pilgrim" in Italian. In medieval times it denoted one who had been a pilgrim to Palestine. It is ultimately from the word palma meaning "palm t...

PALOMA f : Means "dove, pigeon" in Spanish.

PAM f : Short form of PAMELA.

PAMELA f : This name was invented in the late 16th century by the poet Sir Philip Sidney for use in his poem 'Arcadia'. He possibly intended it to mean "all swee...

PAMELIA f : Elaborated form of PAMELA.

PAMELLA f : Variant of PAMELA.

PAMILA f : Variant of PAMELA.

PAMPHILOS m : Means "friend of all" from Greek παν (pan) "all" and φιλος (philos) "friend".

PAN m : Derived from a Greek word meaning "shepherd". In Greek mythology Pan was a half-man, half-goat god associated with shepherds, flocks and pastures.

PANAGIOTA f : Feminine form of PANAGIOTIS.


PANAGIOTIS m : From the Greek title of the Virgin Mary Παναγια (Panagia) meaning "all holy", derived from παν (pan) "all" combined with ‘αγιος (hagi...

PANAYIOTIS m : Variant transcription of PANAGIOTIS.

PANCHO m : Spanish diminutive of FRANCISCO. This name was borne by Pancho Villa (1878-1923), a Mexican bandit and revolutionary.

PANCRAS m : Medieval English form of PANCRATIUS. The relics of the 4th-century saint Pancratius were sent to England by Pope Gregory the Great, leading to the sai...

PANCRATIUS m : Latinized form of Greek Πανκρατιος (Pankratios), derived from παν (pan) "all" and κρατος (kratos) "power". Early Byzantine Christia...

PANCRAZIO m : Italian form of PANCRATIUS.

PANDORA f : Means "all gifts", derived from a combination of Greek παν (pan) "all" and δωρον (doron) "gift". In Greek mythology Pandora was the first mort...

PANFILO m : Italian form of PAMPHILOS. The Italian novelist Boccaccio used this name in his work 'The Decameron' (1350).

PANIZ f : Possibly means "sugar" in Persian.

PANKAJ m : Modern transcription of PANKAJA.

PANKAJA m : Means "born of mud", referring to the lotus flower, derived from Sanskrit पङ्क (panka) "mud" and ज (ja) "born". This is another name of the ...

PANKRATI m : Variant transcription of PANKRATIY.

PANKRATIOS m : Original Greek form of PANCRATIUS.

PANKRATIY m : Russian form of PANCRATIUS.

PANKRAZ m : German form of PANCRATIUS.

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