The perfect baby name, history behind names, the random name generator, and much more in the Internet Names Database. INDb contains a whole catalog of names and surnames, with descriptions, history and curiosities about every name.
FAZL m : فضل (Fadl) - Variant transcription of FADL.
FEARCHAR m : Means "dear man" from Gaelic fear "man" and char "dear".
FEARDORCHA m : Means "dark man" from Gaelic fear "man" and dorcha "dark".
FEARGHAL m : Means "man of valour", derived from the Gaelic elements fear "man" and gal "valour". This was the name of an 8th-century king of Ireland.
FEARGHAS m : Means "man of vigour", derived from the Gaelic elements fear "man" and gus "vigour". This was the name of several characters in Irish legend including...
FEBE f : Dutch, Spanish and Italian form of PHOEBE.
FECHÍN m : Means "little raven" from Irish fiach "raven" combined with a diminutive suffix. This was the name of an Irish saint of the 7th century who died of th...
FEDDE m : Short form of Frisian names beginning with the Germanic element frid "peace".
FEDERICO m : Spanish and Italian form of FREDERICK. Italian filmmaker Federico Fellini and Spanish poet Federico Garcia Lorca are famous bearers of this name.
FEIDELM f : Possibly a feminine form of FEIDLIMID. This name is borne by several women in Irish legend including Feidelm Noíchrothach, a daughter of Conchobhar t...