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The perfect baby name, history behind names, the random name generator, and much more in the Internet Names Database. INDb contains a whole catalog of names and surnames, with descriptions, history and curiosities about every name.

ABBI f : Diminutive of ABIGAIL.

ABBIE f : Diminutive of ABIGAIL.

ABBY f : Diminutive of ABIGAIL.

ABBÁN m : Means "little abbot", derived from Irish abb "abbot" combined with a diminutive suffix. This was the name of a 6th-century Irish saint, the son of kin...

ABD AL-AZIZ m : Means "servant of the powerful" from Arabic عبد ال ('abd al) "servant of the" combined with عزيز ('aziz) "powerful". This was the name of the...

ABD AL-HAMID m : Means "servant of the praised" from Arabic عبد ال ('abd al) "servant of the" combined with حميد (hamid) "praised". This was the name of two s...

ABD AL-KADER m : Variant transcription of ABD AL-QADIR.

ABD AL-KARIM m : Means "servant of the generous" from Arabic عبد ال ('abd al) "servant of the" combined with كريم (karim) "generous".

ABD AL-LATIF m : Means "servant of the gentle" from Arabic عبد ال ('abd al) "servant of the" combined with لطيف (latif) "gentle".

ABD AL-MALIK m : Means "servant of the king" from Arabic عبد ال ('abd al) "servant of the" combined with ملك (malik) "king". This was the name of the fifth Uma...

ABD AL-QADIR m : Means "servant of the capable, powerful" from Arabic عبد ال ('abd al) "servant of the" combined with قادر (qadir) "capable". This was the nam...

ABD AL-RAHMAN m : Means "servant of the merciful" from Arabic عبد ال ('abd al) "servant of the" combined with رحمن (rahman) "merciful". This was the name of tw...

ABD AL-RASHID m : Means "servant of the rightly guided" from Arabic عبد ال ('abd al) "servant of the" combined with رشد (rashid) "rightly guided".

ABD AL-WALI m : Means "servant of the guardian" from Arabic عبد ال ('abd al) "servant of the" combined with ولِي (wali) "guardian, friend".

ABD ALLAH m : Means "servant of ALLAH" from Arabic عبد ('abd) "servant of" combined with الله (Allah). This was the name of the Prophet Muhammad's father. He...

ABDIAS m : Form of OBADIAH used in the Latin Old Testament.

ABDIOU m : Form of OBADIAH used in the Greek Old Testament.

ABDOLLAH m : Persian form of ABD ALLAH.

ABDUL m : First part of compound Arabic names beginning with عبد ال ('Abd al) meaning "servant of the" (such as عبد العزيز ('Abd al-'Aziz) "servan...

ABDUL-AZIZ m : Variant transcription of ABD AL-AZIZ.

ABDUL-HAMID m : Variant transcription of ABD AL-HAMID.

ABDUL-RAHMAN m : Variant transcription of ABD AL-RAHMAN.

ABDULAH m : Bosnian form of ABD ALLAH.

ABDULLAH m : Variant transcription of ABD ALLAH, as well as the regular Turkish, Malay and Indonesian form.

ABDULLO m : Tajik form of ABD ALLAH.

ABDULLOHI m : Tajik variant form of ABD ALLAH.

ABDUR-RAHMAN m : Variant transcription of ABD AL-RAHMAN.

ABDUR-RASHID m : Variant transcription of ABD AL-RASHID.

ABDURAKHMAN m : Chechen form of ABD AL-RAHMAN.

ABDUWELI m : Uyghur form of ABD AL-WALI.

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