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The meaning and history of the name Wilhelm.


German cognate of WILLIAM. This was the name of two German Emperors. It was also the middle name of several philosophers from Germany: Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831), Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (1844-1900), and Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz (1646-1716), who was also a notable mathematician.

Usage: Ancient Germanic, German, Polish
Short Forms: WILLI, WILLY, WIM
Famous People: Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibnizwiki (Mathematician, 1646, Germany), Wilhelm Conrad Röntgenwiki (Physicist, 1845, Germany), Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegelwiki (Philosopher, 1770, Germany), Wilhelm IIwiki (Politician, 1859, Germany), Wilhelm Wienwiki (Physicist, 1864, Lithuania), Wilhelm Ostwaldwiki (Chemist, 1853, Latvia), Wilhelm von Humboldtwiki (Philosopher, 1767, Germany), Wilhelm Wundtwiki (Psychologist, 1832, Germany), Wilhelm Keitelwiki (Military Personnel, 1882, Germany), Wilhelm Steinitzwiki (Chessmaster, 1836, Czech Republic)