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Feminine and Masculine names.

The meaning and history of the name Magnus.


Late Latin name meaning "great". It was borne by a 7th-century saint who was a missionary in Germany. It became popular in Scandinavia after the time of the 11th-century Norwegian king Magnus I, who was said to have been named after Charlemagne, or Carolus Magnus in Latin (however there was also a Norse name Magni). The name was borne by six subsequent kings of Norway as well as three kings of Sweden. It was imported to Scotland and Ireland during the Middle Ages.

Usage: Danish, Late Roman, Norwegian, Swedish
Name day:
August 19th: Estonia, Sweden
September 6th: Poland
Famous People: Albertus Magnuswiki (Religious Figure, 1193, Germany), Magnus Carlsenwiki (Chessmaster, 1990, Norway), Magnus Maximuswiki (Politician, 335, Spain), Decimius Magnus Ausoniuswiki (Writer, 310, France), Hans Magnus Enzensbergerwiki (Writer, 1929, Germany)
Popularity: *Popularity is given by the percentage of usage over the years.