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The meaning and history of the name Lloyd.


From a surname which was derived from Welsh llwyd meaning "grey". The composer Andrew Lloyd Webber (1948-) is a famous bearer of this name.

Usage: English
Variants: FLOYD, LOYD
Famous People: Frank Lloyd Wrightwiki (Architect, 1867, United States), David Lloyd Georgewiki (Politician, 1863, United Kingdom), Andrew Lloyd Webberwiki (Composer, 1948, United Kingdom), Alan Lloyd Hodgkinwiki (Physician, 1914, United Kingdom), Christopher Lloydwiki (Actor, 1938, United States), Harold Lloydwiki (Actor, 1893, United States), Lloyd Shapleywiki (Mathematician, 1923, United States), Frank Lloydwiki (Film Director, 1886, United Kingdom), Lloyd Bankswiki (Singer, 1982, United States)
Popularity: *Popularity is given by the percentage of usage over the years.