German form of FREDERICK. This was the name of kings of Germany. The socialist Friedrich Engels (1820-1895) and the philosopher Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (1844-1900) are two famous bearers of this name.
Famous People: Friedrich Nietzschewiki (Philosopher, 1844, Germany), Carl Friedrich Gausswiki (Mathematician, 1777, Germany), Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegelwiki (Philosopher, 1770, Germany), Friedrich Engelswiki (Philosopher, 1820, Germany), Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schillerwiki (Writer, 1759, Germany), Friedrich Hayekwiki (Economist, 1899, Austria), Caspar David Friedrichwiki (Painter, 1774, Germany), Friedrich Pauluswiki (Military Personnel, 1890, Germany), Friedrich Hölderlinwiki (Writer, 1770, Germany), Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schellingwiki (Philosopher, 1775, Germany)