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The meaning and history of the name Bernard.


Derived from the Germanic element bern "bear" combined with hard "brave, hardy". The Normans brought it to England, where it replaced the Old English cognate Beornheard. This was the name of several saints, including Saint Bernard of Menthon who built hospices in the Swiss Alps in the 10th century, and Saint Bernard of Clairvaux, a 12th-century theologian and Doctor of the Church. Another famous bearer was George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950), an Irish playwright and essayist.

Usage: Ancient Germanic, Croatian, Czech, English, French, Polish, Slovene
Name day:
January 12th: Croatia
January 19th: Poland
February 9th: Poland
February 16th: Poland
March 12th: Croatia, Poland
May 20th: Slovakia
June 1st: Poland
June 15th: Poland
July 20th: Croatia
August 10th: Poland
August 20th: Croatia, Czech Republic, France, Poland
August 21st: Poland
September 14th: Poland
October 14th: Poland
October 21st: Poland
Famous People: George Bernard Shawwiki (Writer, 1856, Ireland), Bernard Montgomery, 1st Viscount Montgomery owiki (Military Personnel, 1887, United Kingdom), Bernard L. Madoffwiki (Businessperson, 1938, United States), Bernard of Clairvauxwiki (Religious Figure, 1090, France), Bernard Bolzanowiki (Philosopher, 1781, Czech Republic), Claude Bernardwiki (Physician, 1813, France), Bernard Kouchnerwiki (Physician, 1939, France), Bernard Katzwiki (Biologist, 1911, Germany), Bernard Hinaultwiki (Cyclist, 1954, France), Bernard Lewiswiki (Historian, 1916, United Kingdom)
Popularity: *Popularity is given by the percentage of usage over the years.